Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!

Friday, January 27, 2012

100th Day of School

We will be celebrating the 100th day of School on February 9.  Actually, we will be doing at least 3 days of activities on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week.

It is 100th Day at School on Thursday, February 9, 2012.  Each student needs to bring collection
of 100 things for Monday, February 6 or earlier,  This could be beans, pennies, rocks, beads, bingo chips, buttons, bottle caps etc.  Anything small enough that can be counted into an egg carton is best.  Please don’t send food items such as cereal, chocolate
chips, etc.  We will be using those types of food items to make a group snack.

Reminder of No School - Monday, January 30 - Semester Turnaround and Teacher Inservice in St. Walburg.
No School - Tuesday, January 31 - Teacher PLC Inservice

A Huge Thank You to all the parents who have tied skates for us!  Our last day of skating will be Friday, February 3 @ 10:53.
Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Family Literacy Night

So far I have these Grade One students confirmed:  Levi, Morgan, Blake, Warren, Adam and Ainsley.  Sheets and $10.00 fee must be in by tomorrow morning.  If I do not have the sheet, your child will go home on the bus on Thursday!  Please make sure I know he or she is coming by tomorrow morning!  We need to organize food and activities and must know numbers.
The notes went home on January 13 and I know that each student received a note.
Thank you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23 - January 27

Unit # 12 Spelling Words
1.  cats
2.  pigs
3.  beds
4.  bugs
5.  tops

Skating on Tuesday,  January 24 Period #3 (10:53)
Wednesday, January 25 Period #4 (12:27)
Friday, January 27 Period #4 (12:27)

PLUS  Due to the busses not running last week we will add: February 3 Period #3 (10:53)

Also, we really need long wrapping paper rolls for Family Literacy Night.  If you have any, please send to school ASAP.  Thanks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20 - end of a cold week!

What a cold week! and a short week for the kids!
A few reminders for next week.
1.  Skating Grade One and Kindergarten
Monday, January 16   Day 6 - Period#3 (10:53-11:53)
Tuesday, January 17  Day 1 -  Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Thursday, January 19  Day #3 – Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Tuesday, January 24, Day # 6 - Period#3 (10:53-11:53)
Wednesday, January 25, Day #1 - Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Friday, January 27, Day #3 – Period #4 (12:27-1:17
2.  Monday is PJ day so the students can wear warm, appropriate (no shorts, tanks, etc) PJ's for the day. 
3.  Spelling Test - Unit #11 words:  ten, hat, hot, sand, hand, skate
4.  Family Literacy Night Thursday, January 26 - I have only received 3 confirmations.  Please send the form back on Monday.  If you need a new form, please email me and I will send a form in the agenda.  We need to know in advance how many people are coming.  There is a $10.00 family fee to cover supplies and pizza.  Thanks!
5.  FYI - we have began Literature Fridays.  Each Friday we read a book or books on a theme and complete activities.  Today our theme was Winter.  We read about animals that hibernate or sleep in winter.  We made warm 'quilts' for an art project.  Look for them on our bulletin board on Family Literacy Night.  We also discussed global warming and how we can all do our part to help preserve the habitat of the polar bears.  Then we made a'polar bear' snack!  
 Last Friday we made butter and buns as we have been reading Little House in the Big Woods and discussing how people lived long again.
Literature Fridays gives me the opportunity to read a lot more literature to the students which improves their own vocabularies,and reading and writing skills; complete Art and listening activities and just have a fun conclusion to our week.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 9-13

It's back!!!!  Winter that is!  Make sure students are warmly dressed as they are expected to be outside.

I have sent a school supply list home with supplies the students are needing.  I am actually crossing off supplies as they bring them in so please make sure the students bring their supplies!

The Arena Board has sent me a message that ALL skaters must wear a helmet so if any parents are planning to skate with us, please make sure to wear a helmet as well.  this is a new policy that they are enforcing.  Thanks for your cooperation with this!

Thank you for returning the skating forms.  I must have all forms by Friday so I can arrange for skates etc for those children who need to borrow.
Thank you to all the parents who have made themselves available to tie skates!  It would be impossible without you!!!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Unbelievable that it's 2012!  And what wonderful weather!  I was afraid the students would be horribly bored on the playground today but there was just enough white, sticky snow for wonderful snowmen making!

Sight word test tomorrow!!!
Spelling Unit #9 will be Monday, January 9th.  Words again are:  pet, get, let, fed, red, year.

We will be Skating beginning January 16th.  I will send a note home in the pouch agenda tomorrow but here are the dates as well.

Skating Grade One and Kindergarten
Monday, January 16   Day 6 - Period#3 (10:53-11:53)
Tuesday, January 17  Day 1 -  Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Thursday, January 19  Day #3 – Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Tuesday, January 24, Day # 6 - Period#3 (10:53-11:53)
Wednesday, January 25, Day #1 - Period #4 (12:27-1:17)
Friday, January 27, Day #3 – Period #4 (12:27-1:17)