Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas concert in review!

I was so very proud of the Grade One class!  They sung loud and clear and really rose to the occasion!  I hope you enjoyed it!
Watching the little playschool and Kindergarten class sure makes you realize how very quickly the children are growing!  Remember during this busy season to enjoy the bright faces, the innocent belief in the magic of Christmas and the pure happiness that small children bring!  So quickly they are grown...

We will be making some Christmas crafts (and gifts!) and enjoying a quiet lead up to Wednesday.  Wednesday morning we will probably just enjoy a movie with another class or two, some snacks and tidy up.  In the afternoon, we will participate in activities with the rest of the school organized by the SRC.

Friday, December 16, 2011


We are very excited about the concert tonight!!!!

The students need to be in the classroom between 6:30 and 6:45 as we have some organizing to do before the concert.  Students are not to go down to the gym.  I will bring them down as a class.
The students will sit at the front of the gym during the concert and can not sit with parents as they need to come on the stage for the finale.

Next week:
We will not be having a party really but  would enjoy some snacks on Wednesday morning.  The girls brought for Halloween so the boys can bring for Christmas.

Fruit or veggies – Burke and Levi
Cake/cookies – Joe, Blake, Tazan
Juice(2 litres each) – Warren, Logan

Of course, if anyone that wants to bring something special, please do.

See everyone tonight!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Spelling Test

Congratulations to the following students for achieving 100% on Unit #7 Spelling!

Morgan, Brooklyn, Levi, Joe, Ainsley, and Kali!

Remember, our dress rehearsal for concert is Thursday so all boxes, slippers, housecoats and PJ's need to be at school for the dress rehearsal!

Unit #8  Spelling Words

1.  Christmas - tough one!  Break it into the 2 parts.  Remember to stress the capital C!
2.  not
3.  dog
4.  got
5.  the
6.  on

Also, the Grade One's are bringing a little booklet home today called, "In my Stocking".  They can easily read it and are proud of themselves so have them read it to you.  The booklet can stay at home.

Friday, December 9, 2011


1.  Christmas Concert - please make sure wrapped boxes and slippers are here on Monday!  Also, remember that the students need to wear pj's or a housecoat for the concert as well.  They can just wear over clothes.
On the night of the concert, the Grade One's need to be in our classroom by 6:45.  Parents can drop them off and then go to the gym.  The grade one's will sit at the front for the rest of the concert (as far as I know now).

2.  Christmas crafts - breaking with my tradition of over 25 years we will not do a craft morning!  Instead, we are going to work on some different crafts over the next week and a half.  On the last afternoon of school, the SRC is setting up activities for us and we will have an activity in our own classroom for the morning.

3.  Christmas gifts - to offset the cost of gifts to parents (pretend you don't know about them!) please send $2.00 for supplies.  Thanks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update for the Week of December 5-9

First, Congratulations to:  Kali, Levi, Ainsley, Brooklyn, Nadia, and Morgan for 100% on Unit #6 spelling test!  Many received 1 wrong so remember to practice the bonus word!

Sick Students - we have had many very sick students at school.  If your child still has a persistent cough, consider keeping him or her at home a little longer.  I can send missed work home if requested. 

Unit #7 words are:
1.  his
2.  dig
3.  pat
4.  sun
5.  put
6.  tree

Watch 'b' and 'd' in this test!

Christmas Concert - we've been practicing daily.  If your child doesn't have his or her slippers, please get them to us this week.  The box needs to be Christmas gift wrapped with a separate, wrapped lid.

Money - Please, do not send money to school unless it is in an envelope with the recipient's name on it.  I will not be responsible or accountable for money sent to school!  I do not mind acting as a courier between families but money can go missing far too easily that way!  That includes money sent in the agenda - it falls out of the pouch easily.  Thank you!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Healthy Eating with Mrs. Hunter!

Mrs.  Hunter has been teaching a unit in Healthy Eating to the Grade Ones.  They have been analyzing their own lunches for healthy eating choices.  Today there is a green sheet in your child's lunch kit.  Please discuss how to make your child's lunch healthier with them.  A great opportunity to discuss healthy food options that your child likes to eat.  Also, an opportunity for your child to start helping to pack his or her own lunch!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Super Spellers!!

Wow!  Almost everyone achieve 100% on Unit #5! 

Well done to:  Kali, Burke, Levi, Ainsley, Brooklyn, Joe, Blake, Morgan, Tazan, Warren, Kamryn and Logan!  And the rest only received one wrong!

Unit #6 Words are:
1.  pup
2.  bus
3.  but
4.  tub
5.  I
6.  come

Should be an easy test also!!!

Thank you to everyone who has sent the slippers and wrapped boxes.  We are practicing hard for the concert.  Remember:  Friday, December 16 at 7:00.

It was very nice to see everyone at Interviews and especially nice to meet the 'new' parents.  (I've been here for a lllllllooooonnnnnngggggg time!)

I am very proud of the progress the Grade One's are making.  Continue the wonderful support at home!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Concert!!!!

Wow! It's that time of year again!  Just a month until Christmas!

The grade one's are performing a song this year for the concert.  Each child needs:

-one pair of furry slippers!  They will not be wearing them so they can borrow whatever they need.  Animals slippers would be great but not necessary.

-one shoebox that the slippers will fit in.  Please wrap the box in Christmas wrap with the box and lid wrapped separately.  The students need to be able to take the slippers out of the box quite quickly.

- to wear PJ's or a housecoat over his/her regular clothes.

Send the slippers and box to school ASAP so we can practice with them.   Thanks!

Friday, November 18, 2011

School Supplies

School Supplies needed:
It’s time to replenish a few supplies!  Please send ASAP.  Thanks!
Pencils (10) - Joe, Levi, Warren, Logan, Kamryn, Nadia, Tazan
Pencil Sharpener – self-contained Staedtler – Adam, Logan, Burke, Ainsley, Warren, Joe, Tazan
Erasers  (4) Blake, Ainsley, Kamryn, Brooklyn, Burke, Logan, Adam, Joe, Warren, Morgan, Nadia, Tazan
Wax Crayons  (2 boxes) – everyone!
Pencil Crayons – Levi, Logan, Brooklyn, Warren, Nadia, Tazan
White glue – Warren
Felt markers – Ethan, Logan, Burke, Brooklyn, Levi, Ainsley, Tazan
White Glue Sticks – Brooklyn, Nadia, Morgan, Blake, Tazan, Logan
Thanks!  I'll also send this in the Report Card.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Spelling Words this Week

Unit #4 Spelling words are:

  1. as
  2. had
  3. sit
  4. six
  5. ran
  6. has
Congratulations to Kali, Burke, Levi, Ainsley, Nadia, and Morgan for all achieving 100% on Unit #3's test yesterday!  Great work!

This and That!

I have been very neglectful with the blog!  Been so busy with report cards I haven't thought much about it! I'll do better!

Yesterday I attended an English Language Arts inservice in St. Walburg.  I hear from Ms. Parker, the guest teacher, that the students were very helpful!  lol!

I'd like to commend the grade one's on their attentiveness during the Remembrance Day ceremony.  They were very patient and respectful and I was very proud of them!

Thank you again for your generosity with the Operation Christmas Child boxes.  I've been trying to deliver them but the church has been closed.  I'll try again after school today!  We ended up sending 10 boxes!

Finally, report cards will be sent out on Friday.  The scale is a little different this year and the Math Outcomes are on a separate sheet of paper.  Please read through the report card carefully.   What I am most concerned about for this term and next term is PROGRESS!  The students need to be making consistent, steady progress at grade level or approaching grade level.  The areas that are of most concern will be areas where your child may be Experiencing Difficulty.  Those are the areas that I have addressed in the report and will be discussing with you at Interviews.  I will also have some samples of work to show you at that time.  Of course, you can certainly call me prior to your interview if you wish.

Have a great week!  Please make sure the children have ski pants, toque and mitts!  Winter has arrived!

Mrs. Burzynski

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Health Class - Food Flyers

Mrs. Hunter is teaching Proper Nutrition in Health class.  The students' have been analyzing their lunches!!!  Yikes!  Not surprisingly, a lot of candy after Halloween! 
Mrs. Hunter would like the students to bring food flyers from Sobey's, Co-op, Safeway etc for the Nutrition unit.  Please send them as soon as possible.

Reminder for Operation Christmas Child, Winter clothing, report card testing, etc

1.  Operation Christmas Child is finishing tomorrow.  Please send an items by tomorrow please.  If you are packing a complete box remember to add $7 for shipping or you can donate directly online to Samaritian's Purse.  Please let me know if you donated online.  Thank you very much for your generosity!

2.  Winter clothing - sadly, after an amazing fall, it is getting colder.  The students have been actually very well dressed.  Please check to make sure that they have a coat they can zip up themselves.  Dig out the mitts, toques and boots!  They are very eager for it to snow!!!!!

3.  Report Cards - I have been evaluating the students for report cards this week and into next week for those who have been absent.  I gave the Sight Word tests today.  Some of you will notice that I tested your child on the next level of words even though he/she didn't study them.  This was for the report cards.

4.  Spelling test on Monday!  The words for Unit #2 are on a previous blog.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Spelling Words for this week

These are the spelling words.  Remember that the test will be Monday, November 7.

1.  in
2.  is
3.  it
4.  big
5.  did
6.  here

Congratulations to Joe and Ainsley who received 100% on the spelling test today!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

The last day for bringing items will be Friday, November 5.  Please note:  there is a $7.00 handling fee for the boxes.  If you have send a complete box, either send a cheque or you can donate the money on-line at the Samaritian's Purse website.  I will cover the cost of the boxes that we collect at school.

School Photos Due Tuesday, November 2

Your child should have brought home his/her photo proofs.  The photo package needs to be returned if you wish retakes or don't want to purchase any photos.  If you are ordering, please complete the information and return the small white envelope with payment.
I must say I got a chuckle out of some of the photos!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Did you notice?!!

Nothing like sending a note about spelling ....with a spelling mistake!  (actually a typo)  But did you notice?????

Grade One Spelling Program

We have begun Unit #1 in the Grade One spelling program.  Tests will be every Monday morning.  Your child brought home a study sheet in his/her agenda pouch.
The words are:  a, an, am, at, and, said.
Please practice these words.  I told the students I was going to be very particular about priniting.  Backwards letters and capitals will be marked wrong!
Thanks for your help with this.  I am anticipating most students receiving 100% on this first test!


The Grade One's will celebrate Halloween on October 31 of course.  They can dress up in the morning if they wish but should come dressed up to school if they wish to do this.  Otherwise, they can dress up at recess or lunchtime.  Please do not send make up for me to apply as it's impossible to do that with a class.
Also, students should wear snowpants over costumes or wear costumes that can be worn over clothes as they are expected to be outside for recess.

Parents are welcome to come in the afternoon.  The morning will be classes as usual.  In the afternoon, we start immediately with a parade to the other classrooms.  Then we will participate in some games and craft centers.  Parent help with the craft centers would be appreciated.

Traditionally,  girls bring snack for Halloween and boys for Christmas.
The following students need to bring:
  • Juice (2 litres each) - Kamryn and Nadia
  • Cake/cookies - Morgan and Ainsley
  • Fruit or veggies - Kali and Brooklyn
Of course, anyone can bring something special if they wish.  There is a total of 15 students in the class.

Mrs. B.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Sight word Stars!!!

Congratulations to the following students for passing sight word levels!

Firstly, to Ainsly Kastendieck!  Ainsly has passed two levels!  She's passed her Apple Words and her Sun words and is working on Leaf words (Level 1C)!  Great job, Ainsley!

Secondly, to Kali Allen, Burke Beauchesne, and Levi Bygrove!  They have passed the Apple words and are working on Sun Words (level 1B).  Great practicing!

Keep working hard Grade One!  Many are very close to finishing the Apple words.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sight word Woes!!!!

A comment I receive every year is, "My child knows the sight words at home but doesn't know them at school."

Well, I am testing on mastery.  This is a SIGHT word test - assessing the words that your child truly knows on sight.  Mastery is 2 seconds and I am testing at 3 second intervals.  So, at home, you probably give longer time without realizing it, perhaps a little bit of a clue or maybe your child just has some testing anxiety.  However, if he or she truly know the word on sight, 3 seconds is plenty of time to say the word.  Some children are relying on sounding out the word.  If they do sound it out and say it within 3 seconds I mark the word as correct.  If they say the wrong word and then self-correct, I mark it correct.  The best way to alleviate testing anxiety is for your child to feel well practiced!  I always ask them if they have studied before the test.....and they are very truthful!

I know it is frustrating to go over the same words each week but the first 25 are the most difficult to learn.  Once these are mastered the rest come easier as your child starts to see the patterns in language.
Some tips again:
  • look for hidden words (that - at)
  • when you see 'th' stick out your tongue!
  • use the Jolly Phonics actions to sound out
  • clap the sounds
  • play SWAT
  • put the most difficult words on the fridge.
However, the best practice is nightly practice!  Again, practicing only once or twice a week is just not enough for most students.  You don't have to practice long - 10 minutes tops will do.

Hope that helps and if you have any more concerns please give me a call!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Home Reading Update

The Grade One's are eagerly reading and I want to thank you for your commitment.  It is so important that your child receives consistent practice at home.

The Sight Words are also progressing well with many students finished the first Level 1A Apple words and started work on Sun words.  It is very important to practice these often - Thursday night before the test is not often enough!

For those students who did not get tested on Friday, I am testing them this morning!  Look for the sheet in his or her agenda.

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

!yad sdrawkcaB

We enjoyed a silly day of backwards activities!  It was very fun to greet the students with 'Good-by!" this morning!  Our school schedule was also flipped so we started our day with Science.  That just felt really strange!  Then we ended the day with 'O Canada' and morning announcements!
Thanks to all the kids who got in the spirit and dressed backwards!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2011 Operation Christmas Child

I've been trying to send the information for Operation Christmas child into the blog but it just won't let me for some reason.   I have sent the information in your child's agenda pouch. 

Operation Christmas child

Thursday Update

A few notes this Thursday:

1.  Hope to see you at the Thanksgiving Meal on Friday.  The Grade One's will be eating at 11:30 so if you want to eat with your child please come at that time.  The cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students.  If you have not prepaid, you can pay at the door.  If your child is having Thanksgiving dinner, please write in the agenda so I know.  It's a little crazy that morning!
The grade one's have also made decorations for the tables so check those out as well.

2.  Apple word test Friday afternoon

3.  Photo Day on October 12.  Please return photo sheet with selections checked even if you don't want to purchase.  The photos are used in the yearbook.

4.  Jolly Phonics - we are almost finished our letter sounds review and will be learning some combinations soon such as sh, th, wh, ch, ai, oa, etc.

5.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I know that I am looking forward to seeing my daughter home from  the University of Alberta! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Operation Christmas child

Operation Christmas child

Operation Christmas child

Update on Home Reading Program

Thank you for your support of the Home Reading Program!  Many of the students have read 3 books already and will be able to be tested for the next reading level by the end of the week.

Today, the students who brought their books back, initialed and read, went to the "Treasure Chest"!  I will do this ever day to encourage them to read to you!  Please don't forget to initial the book because I do check that.  So your child may come home with a toy - it is their's to keep!

Work hard on the Apple words!  Most students should have passed the first 10 words and be working on the second group of 10 as well.

Remember the Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday!  Always a great meal!  The Grade one's are generally served early- about 11:30 so if you want to eat with your child please come at this time.

Finally, the weather is getting colder quickly.  The expectation is that students be outside so make sure your child has a warm jacket, mitts, hat and appropriate footwear!

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Home Reading Program

The Grade One's have enjoyed the Book Bags.  Thank you very much for working and playing with them! 

It is now time to begin the Individualized Home Reading Program for Grade One.  Each day your child will be bringing home a Leveled Book to read to you.  Please  help him or her read the book to you.  The books are very repetitious and most students will only need a little initial help to read it.  Reread the book at least 2 times.

If your child is in Early Reading Intervention (ERI), he or she will be receiving his or her book from the ERI teacher.  We will let you know if your child will be involved in ERI next week.  This will be in place of the classroom Home Reading Program.  Both programs follow the same procedure however.  At this time ERI hasn’t started yet, but it will start in a few weeks and we will let you know if your child should participate in ERI.  It is an excellent opportunity to help students who need a little more practice and give them a great head start.

I have sent the Leveled book home for your child to read to you.  He or she should be quite capable of reading the book fluently with a little assistance from you. Make sure to read the book with your child, sign the sheet in the bag and send the sheet, bag and book back tomorrow.  If they do not bring their book back or it is not signed that they read it to an adult, I will not send a new book with them.  I realize that you will miss a few nights because we are all busy but try not to miss very often.

Initially, I should be able to listen to all the students read each day.  However, as the Leveled books become longer I will only be listening to 3-5 students read each day.  If your child doesn’t bring a book home it is because I never listened to him or her read.  Just read a book from home that night instead!

When your child has reached mastery on 5 consecutive books at Level Three etc.  I will send a note in the agenda informing you that he or she has moved to the next level of books.  For some children, this will happen quickly while others will take longer to move through the levels.  Please remember that this is an individualized reading program, which moves each child through the levels at his or her own pace.  As the levels become more difficult, it will take longer for the children to achieve mastery.

So, please review the books with your child, as this will help them recognize sight words and use his or her phonetic skills to sound out words.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Apple word test is this Friday, September 30!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Update

Sorry for not blogging yet this week! 

The Book Bags are very popular!  Thanks for taking good care of them.  Also, thank you for letting me know right away if materials are missing from the bags.  We will continue with book bags until the end of September and then we will switch to the regular Home Reading Program.  Please don't keep the books longer than 2 days as we have only 18 book bags.

Apple Words - the children have been working hard to learn the Apple words.  We practice our Tub words every second day and I can really tell which students have been practicing.
Apple word test - the test is given on a 3 second Power Point.  This is enough time for the children to tell me the word but not enough time to sound it out.  After all, these words are Sight Word recognition only.  I send the test sheets home in the agenda so you can see the words your child knew and the ones he/she missed.

Between the Apple Word practice and the Book Bags, I notice a big improvement in the students' learning.  The easiest and best way for you to help at home this year is with frequent sight word practice and reading the Home Reading books.

Enjoy the wonderful fall weather!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Terry Fox and Apple Word Testing

Terry Fox Run

I talked with the students today about the Terry Fox run and who Terry Fox was.  We watched a video of highlights of his run.  We also acted out his walk and how hard it would be to run the way he did.
If you are able to join us on the walk tomorrow that would be great!  It is very enjoyable!
Also, hot dogs are $1.00 and can be purchased tomorrow even if you didn't pre-order.  Please just note in agenda if there is money in the pouch.

Apple Words
Tomorrow I will test on Apple Words.  If your child is away I will try to test him/her on Monday.  I will send a note home in agenda about his/her results.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Book Bags

Your child brought home a Book Bag.  These books and activities are intended to help foster the habit of reading daily with an adult.
1.  Each bag is different but all contain a book and some kind of activity to foster reading or math skills.
2.  Each book is designed to be READ TO your child but many children will be able to read along with you and may be able to read the book to you after an inital reading.
3.  Each book and activity needs to be completed with an adult.
4.  Each bag needs to be returned after 1 or 2 days or we will run short of bags.
5.  Please put the bag in a safe place where smaller children can't damage it.
6.  Make sure all materials are back in the bag.
7.  Add the sight word or words to your child's Word Ring.  If he or she already has that word on the ring, don't add it again. 
8.  Keep the word ring at home.  DO NOT SEND BACK IN AGENDA, BOOK BAG OR LIBRARY BAG.  The children can just review these words at home.  I don't test on the words but it helps them to build a larger sight word vocabulary than just the Apple words.  I suggest keeping the Word Ring with the Apple words.
9.  If there is an activity worksheet, send it in the agenda and I will look at it and admire it and send it back home again with a sticker!

If you have any questions, just email or call.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Apple Words

I am sending home the "Apple" sight words.  These are actually the first 25 Fry Sight words.  Please cut them apart and keep them in a safe place.  It is good to store them in a baggie or a small margarine tub.  Your child will benefit a great deal with extra practice at home on these words.

Please have your child practice the following Apple words this week:  the, in, is, to, it, that, and, a, of, you.
I will test on these 10 words on Friday as well as the following colour words which are not on the Apple words:  red, yellow, green, blue.

I will let you know which Apple words to add for practicing next week.
If you have any questions please email or call me.
Looking forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher Night tonight @6:30

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of Writing!/Peanut Butter Alternative

Today we began writing in our Journals.  The students drew a picture of the thing they did this summer that was the most fun!  Then, I modeled 'writing' the sentence.  Each child then wrote his or her own sentence!  I was pleasantly surprised at how many letters sounds they knew and some even could spell words (way to go, Adam, Ainsley, Burke, Kamryn and Blake!).  I told Mrs. Hunter about it and she was very proud of them also!

We are settling nicely into our routine but it is HOT!  Don't want to complain at all, but they are very tired by about 2:00!  So, we've had lots of Centertime!

I was also very proud of the Grade Ones today as this was the first day the Kindergarten students joined us for Phys. Ed. The Grade Ones acted as teachers and helpers today and did a wonderful job of showing the K's the rules in the gym.  This is especially neat to see because I remember when they were the K's and how little they were!  They grow up quickly!

Tomorrow is a screening by the Division/Health unit for Color vision.  Each child will have a quick screen.  This is new this year so I will let you know more about it tomorrow.

Thanks for all the emails and notes in agendas.  I appreciate the communication.

Andrea Allen passed on some info to me today.  We are a nut-free school but if your child loves peanut butter (and who doesn't!)  there is a great alternative.  It's called Wow butter and can be purchased at Walmart.  I will definitely be checking it out as I love peanut butter!  Thanks, Andrea!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sight Word Activities

Please make sure to read the previous post sent today.
The following are activities you can use to make learning the Apple words more fun!

Please call me if you have any questions!  Remember to keep practice time short, daily and fun!  Some strategies are:

Swat! – use a fly swatter to swat the word (they love this!)
I spy – I spy a word that starts with “r” (sound).  They should be able to find it and tell you it.
Memory – turn over the word that the parent says.  Count how many turns it takes and beat your record or play against the parent.
Put the words on the frig or a door so they are easily seen.
Count the letters in the words and order them from most letters to least.
Practice printing the letters on a chalkboard, wipeboard, paper etc.

Tub Words etc

We began our 'tub words' today (those margarine tubs you sent)!  These are really just the first Level 1A Fry words (or apple words).  We cut apart 12 of the words (I, in, is, it, the, that, a, red, yellow, to, of, you) and did a number of activities to help us learn to read the words.  Happily, many of the students were able to recognize quite a few words!  And some didn't know any which is quite typical of a grade one class!

Next week I will send home the 25 apple words.  Please cut them apart and use them as flash cards to help your child learn the words.  After a few weeks (I'll set a date)  I will test them on the words.  Now, some will know all the words and move on to the next level.  Some won't know them all and will practice the words for another week or several weeks.  This is an individual Sight Word Program as all the children will learn at their own rate.  I just ask that you do practice frequently!  The night before the test just isn't enough!!!!

I will send a list of activities you can use to have fun learning the sight words in the next blog!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What a beautiful weekend!  I hope everyone had a chance to get outside and enjoy it.  On my way back from the lake last night I saw many farmers harvesting so we are all keeping our fingers crossed that this great weather will last for a long time!

A couple of housekeeping items:

1.  Thank you for sending the agendas back so promptly each day.  That really helps me communicate with you.  Remember that you can also email me at ellen.burzynski@nwsd.ca

2.  Lunch - we 've had many kids bringing food items that need to be cooked and/or assembled.  Please do not send items like this!  Please assemble food or cook food at home and then all we need to do is heat it up.  Lunch is very short!  We have only one microwave and a long line of students.  Also, I am on supervision and/or coaching at noon and am unable to supervise students after the regular lunch break.  Thank you!

We are beginning to learn some sight words this week.  I will also be sending our Rading Book bags later this week.

Have a good week!
Mrs. B.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Update

Another great day!  We are settling into our routine quickly.  I am really enjoying the students!  They are a pleasure to teach!

Today the students went to the library with Mrs. Hunter.  The books are in their book bags again.  Please keep the books in a safe place.  They will be due on Monday, September 12.  A good idea is to write this in the agenda on September 12th.

Missing School Supplies - thank you for your patience with the missing supplies.  They were shipped to the School Division office in Lloydminster and are being picked up today.  They should all be here tomorrow.

The school will be sending a Monday memo out each week.  Of course, the first one will actually be sent next Tuesday.  The Monday memo can also be accessed through the school website.

Mrs. Burzynski

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day!

Wow!  What a great first day!  The children were so excited and eager to be in grade one.  They were delightful! The children tried SOOOOO very hard to listen to me and then listen during Assembly and then listen again in gym!  I really am proud of how hard they tried today! 

We will start very slowly with Kindergarten review and then introduce new Grade One concepts.  For the month of September we will have a center time each afternoon.  As Ainsley said, "I didn't know we had center in Grade One!"  Well, we sure do for a while because they are pretty tired by the end of the day.  Wait until Friday!  They will be worn out from 3 straight days of school.

Unfortunately, some of the School kits did not arrive.  Kali, Levi, Tazan and Brooklyn did not receive their order.  We are working to correct it at this end.  Until the kits arrive, we have extra supplies they can use so don't worry.

There are some supplies that are not on the Kit order forms.  These were on the Hillmond Supply list and some of you probably didn't realize that.  They were listed on the back of the form.

The students need: 
  • a small half-lined exercise book (not the 8x10 fully lined ones)  I returned a few of these on backpacks today.
  • a box of either small or large Ziplock bags
  • a change of clothes (pants, socks, underwear and top) in a plastic bag with name on it.
  • paint shirt.  I have most from last year (K) and have extras so I don't think anyone needs to send any.
  • small box Kleenex
  • zippered pencil case (a few were too small - they need to fit pencils, glue stick, erasers, scissors and box of wax crayons.  I'll send the case home if it's too small)
  • an enclosed pencil sharpener (a must have.  Try to purchase the Staedler brand from Walmart etc)
Remember to give me a call or email me ellen.burzynski@nwsd.ca if you have questions!
Ellen Burzynski

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Grade One!

August 31, 2011

Dear Parents:

Welcome to Grade One!  This will be a very busy but rewarding year as your child learns to read and write and so many more things!  I always consider myself the luckiest teacher at Hillmond because I have Grade One!

1.      Agendas/email/Blog – Please make sure to check your child’s agenda each night.  Please initial to let me know you have read it.  You can write a note in the agenda or put a note in the pocket at the front.  There will be many days without much in the agenda but as the year progresses your child will write more and more in the agenda.  Put any envelopes of money, notes etc in the pouch and note in the agenda that I need to look in the pouch.  Thanks.

We strive to be PAPERLESS at school now.  This helps to avoid wasting paper as well as saves a great deal of school instructional time.  Please get in the habit of checking my Blog each day for information. www.mrsburzynskiclass.blogspot.com/  This address is accessible through the Hillmond School Home page.  Go to Classes and then Burzynski.  If you do not have access to the internet, please let me know ASAP as most information will be sent ONLY through the blog and email.  I check my email each morning and periodically throughout the day as I have time.  This really is the best way to communicate with me as I am often on supervision or teaching throughout the day and coaching Volleyball after school.  I usually am able to respond to emails promptly.  Of course, you can always call me in the morning also or at home in the evening.

2.      Money – please put all money in an envelope and put in the pouch of the agenda.  Label with your child’s name and indicate what the money is for (ie;  Hot Meal, Book Order, etc).  Don’t forget to put your child’s name on the Hot Meal forms. 

3.       Scholastic Book orders – are generally sent once a month and are a great opportunity to build a reading library for your child.  Cheque only please!  Made out to Scholastic Canada.  I am unable to accept cash for Scholastic orders.

4.      Hand washing – we will be emphasizing hand washing and use of Kleenex a lot this year to try and ensure the good health of students and staff.

5.      Sight Words – we will begin learning Sight Words this week.  I will be sending home ‘Apple Words’ shortly. You will need to cut these flashcards out for your child to use.  Please make sure to do this.  These are the first 25 Fry sight words for Grade One.  We will begin with only 10 words initially.  I will indicate in the agenda this week which 10 words we will practice first.  Please keep the ‘Apple words’ in a safe place.

6.      Margarine Tub – if you didn’t send a small, empty margarine etc tub, please send one ASAP.  Make sure it has a lid.  We use these for practicing words at school.

7.      Spare clothes – please send a spare set of clothes if you haven’t already (pants, underwear, socks, top).  Label the bag with your child’s name.

8.      Parent Helpers – The students love to have their parents volunteer in the classroom and it gives you a better sense of what happens in school.  If you would like to volunteer in the classroom we’d love your help with reading and materials preparation.  Just like me know a day in advance so I can have things ready for you.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I can be reached at the school, at home at 825-3371 or by email at ellen.burzynski@nwsd.ca.

SOOOO, my next information letter will be posted on my blog (this one will be as well) at www.mrsburzynskiclass.blogspot.com/

Looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Burzynski