Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

There have been some VERY excited children this week!  Have a wonderful and safe trick or treating night.  Too bad it's so cold.

Report Card Assessment

I am beginning assessment this week as Report Cards are due November 16.  Please note that the report card will reflect your child's level from November 1 to November 7 in most areas.  Grade One assessment is done primarily on a one-to-one basis so it takes a long time to assess.

Continue to work hard on Sight words, spelling and Home REading as these are reflected in the assessment.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Spelling Unit #3 

The words this week are:  can, pan, man, cat, sat, mat.  Please note that I am expecting correct letter formation for all the letters.  When your child is practicing, please make sure that the letters are formed from 'the top down' except for 'd' which begins with 'magic C'.  I will expect all students to take the spelling tests regardless of whether or not they have been at school.  The words are posted on the blog.  Next test:  Monday, Oct. 29 at 9:00.


We will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday, of course.  The students in the elementary classes will need to bring their costumes to school with them and will change into their costumes at lunch time.

Please do not send make up for me to do as it’s impossible with the class.   The students need to be able to put on their costumes independently.  I would also suggest not sending lots of accessories as they will be very excited about trick or treating and may forget these accessories at school.

We will spend the morning working on Halloween related activities and stories.  Parents are invited to join us for the afternoon.   

It will be quite quiet, I hope!   In the afternoon, we will parade through the classes with the other elementary grades.  Then we will play some games and have some centers to work through.  We will also enjoy a snack around 1:30.  At 2:00 the SRC has set up a Sock-Hop in the gym for the students.

Girls will bring snack for Halloween and boys will bring for Christmas.  There are a total of 14 students in the class.  I would like the following girls to bring:

Fruit or veggies – Caybrie, Lexi
Cake/cookies – Victoria, Izzy, Hailey W
Juice(2 litres each) – Tori, Hailey S

Of course, if there is anyone that wants to bring something special, please do.


 Please try to ensure that your child does not miss too many days of school or comes late.  Missing a day of school each week quickly adds up!  Also, we do very important Daily Language Review, Spelling and Spelling tests first thing in the morning and students fall behind if they miss.  Thanks!

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jolly Phonics Duotang

Today the Grade One's will be bringing home their Jolly Phonics duotangs.  I would appreciate it if these were put in a safe place because I would like the students to review the sounds with you occasionally.  Randomly turn to a page in the booklet and ask the students the letter, the sound and the action.  These are all review from Kindergarten and I will be testing on their knowledge for the November Report card.  Of course, many students will know all of the letters and sounds.  However, if your child is having difficulty, use the booklet to help practice.

Tomorrow we will be beginning Digraphs - two letters which make one sound.  Our first digraphs will be:  sh, ch, th, wh and ng.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday Update

Spelling Unit #1  Results
I was very proud of the Grade Ones' first spelling test!  The following students achieved 100%!  Caybrie, Dyson, Lexi, Keenan, Izzy, Jonathan, James, Aiden, and Austin. Well Done!

Spelling Unit #2  Words - in, is, it, big, did, his.
All of the students have the words written in the agenda.  Please do not write in the numbered space as this is where we will always put our spelling words.  Please note that the next spelling test will be Wednesday, October 24 due to Teachers' Convention on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Report Cards in November

I will begin assessing for the report card next week and the first week of November.  Areas I will be testing are:
Math:  counting to 100 by 1's, counting backwards from 10, counting to 100 by 10, number identification to 20, basic patterning
Phonics:  all letter sounds both dicated recognition and producing the sounds when shown a letter.
Printing:  correct formation of letters in name, using 'magic C', correct pencil grip.
Reading:  All Apple words will be the standard for Report #1 or above.  Students should be reading at Level 4 or above by Report #1.

I am pleased with the students progress and I think all students can easily achieve these levels.  Take a few minutes to review these concepts with your child.  Note the areas they are having difficulty with and spend a few minutes each week reviewing them.  We will also be reviewing these concepts at school.

Hillmond School follows our CREED of Caring, Respect, Excellence, Enthusiasm and Determination.  Today we discussed what these virtues would look like in our classroom.  We decided that:
Caring - be kind and helpful
Respect - Listen and look at adults.  Take responsibility
Excellence - Do our best
Enthusiasm - Smile and make it fun!
Determination - Try our hardest.

At home you can encourage your child to follow our CREED by practicing excellence (Do our Best) and Determination (try even when it's hard).  This will go a long way to helping them foster great work habits!  When students and parents make the commitment to practice sight words, spelling words and read daily it really helps foster Excellence because then they really are doing the best they are capable of!  I know you are busy but try not to miss practicing too often!

If you have concerns or questions, please email me and I will get back to you quickly I promise!
Have a good week!

Remember:  No School Monday or Tuesday!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Important Question!

Sorry, our file server wasn't allowing access to our webpage yesterday.  However, some of the students did remember the 'important" question.

Social Studies
The important question is "What country did your ancestors come from?"
This year we will be studying about First Nations people.  We will be discussing the settling of Canada by Europeans, how the First Nations and European settlers helped each other and some of the beliefs and culture of the First Nations people.

Spelling words are written in the agenda.  Spelling test will be first thing Monday morning.

We traditionally have a Halloween party in the afternoon but students can dress up for the day.  Please do not send make-up for me to apply!  I am not able to do that, sorry!  The SRC might also be having a Sock-up for an hour in the afternoon.  I'll send details later.

Have a good weekend!
Ellen B.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Grade One Spelling etc!

Hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving!  We were blessed with great weather for most of the weekend!

Photo Day - tomorrow, October 10 am
If you have not returned your photo sheet, please send it tomorrow.  If you do not return a sheet you do not have a choice in pose or background color.  If you wish me to touch up your child's hair before the photo, I'm happy to do so but please send a comb or brush for health reasons.

SpellingThe Grade One's began our Formal Spelling unit today.  Please look for the spelling words printed in the agenda.
Unit One words are:  an, at, and, am, a, as.  Please take a few minutes to practice these with your child.  Dictate the words to them and have them print them. DO NOT ACCEPT SLOPPY PRINTING!  I will not mark backwards letters or sloppy work as correct on their tests.

Spelling tests are always Monday morning or the first day of the school week.

Dressing for the Weather
Students are expected to be outside so please ensure your child has mittens and a toque as the weather becomes colder.  Thanks!

Scholastic Book orders
If you are interested in ordering books, the sheets came home today.  Please send orders for Friday.  No cash - cheques only made out to Scholastic Canada.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

A big Thank You to Mr. Betker and Mrs. Shirtliffe for being the chief organizers for another fabulous Thanksgiving Dinner at HCS! 
A big Thank You as well to all the Junior High and Senior High students who worked so hard as well preparing the food and setting up the gym!
And, of course, our Thanksgiving turkey centerpieces made by the Grade one's were a big hit.  Look for some Thanksgiving art work coming home today.

Keep practicing Apple Words! 

Congratulations to Jonathan who is on his next level - Sun Words!  Great job, Jonathan!

On Monday, we are beginning our Spelling Program!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Home Reading Program information

Grade One Home Reading Program
October 2, 2012

Dear Parents:

It is now time to begin the Individualized Home Reading Program for Grade One.  Each day your child will be bringing home a Leveled Book to read to you.  The books are quite repetitious and simple and most children will only need a little help to read the whole book.  Please reread several times.

If your child is in Early Reading Intervention (ERI), he or she will be receiving his or her book from the ERI teacher.  We will let you know if your child will be involved in ERI shortly.  This will be in place of the classroom Home Reading Program.  Both programs follow the same procedure however. 

I have sent the Leveled book home for your child to read to you.  He or she should be quite capable of reading the book fluently with a little assistance from you. Make sure to read the book with your child, sign the sheet in the bag and send the sheet, bag and book back tomorrow.  If they do not bring their book back or it is not signed that they read it to an adult, I will not send a new book with them.  I realize that you will miss a few nights because we are all busy but try not to miss very often.

Initially, I should be able to listen to all the students read each day.  However, as the Leveled books become longer I will only be listening to 3-5 students read each day.  I will send a new book with your child anyway.

When your child has reached mastery on 5 consecutive books at Level Three etc.  I will send a note in the agenda informing you that he or she has moved to the next level of books.  For some children, this will happen quickly while others will take longer to move through the levels.  Please remember that this is an individualized reading program, which moves each child through the levels at his or her own pace.  As the levels become more difficult, it will take longer for the children to achieve mastery.

So, please review the books with your child, as this will help them recognize sight words and use his or her phonetic skills to sound out words.

Mrs. Burzynski

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Update

Today was the Kick Off to the QSP magazine and product sales.  Please check your child's backpack for the information and order forms.  Tomorrow is 'double' points day!  For every order turned in tomorrow your child will receive double the credit for prize points.  So if you plan on ordering, send it in tomorrow if you can!

Home Reading - sorry, didn't get the Home Reading books ready due to the QSP assembly last class.  Tomorrow!

I will be sending a few letters tomorrow regarding Early Reading Intervention.  Please return ASAP so we can begin the program.  It is an EXCELLENT opportunity for your child to have some individualized reading time at school!

Remember:  Thanksgiving Meal on Friday!  YUM!