Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Update

Spelling Words this week: 
Unit #8
1.  not
2.  on
3.  dog
4.  got
5.  the
6.  was
7.  here
8.  snow

We are working on writing information stories about Christmas!  Each of the students has chosen a topic like "Cookies", "Santa Claus", "Reindeer" etc.   They are already very interesting!  

Sight  Words

I did not test today.  We decided to just have a fun afternoon


We are working on learning numbers to 100 and the students have been making great progress.  Continue to challenge them to count to 100 by 10's and 5's.

We will be starting our Addition to 9 unit shortly.  They are very excited to start adding!

Christmas Craziness and a Reminder

We have started practicng for the concert and it is going very well!  I will send more info next week.

This is a crazy, busy time of year but today we were all reminded to not get stressed out by the "To Do" lists, gift buying, baking etc.  Instead, I was reminded to go home and tell my family I love them as they are what is truly important in my life.  I am blessed and so fortunate and sometimes I forget that.
So, spend time with your delightful children and your families this Christmas season and let the "To Do" list wait!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thank You!

Thank You so much for coming to Parent Teacher interviews!  I was looking forward to meeting my 'new' parents as well as visiting with my 'old' parents!  It is so easy to see why the students are so lovely - your guys are great parents!  Thank you for all the effort you put into sight words, reading, spelling etc.  Great kids are a lot of work!  Thank you for recognizing this!

Our male staff has been actively supporting Movember (male Cancer awareness month).  They've been great sports but we want them ALL to have to dye their moustaches!
We are hoping that all the students could bring $1-2 tomorrow.  If the whole school does, we will meet our goal!  Friday is the last day!

The students were hilarious today dressing up as teachers!  Lots of fun!

So, we have begun the Christmas concert and I will send info about it next week.

Sight word test tomorrow!

Friday, November 23, 2012

School supplies list as promised!

School Supplies Needed
10 Pencils
3 White erasers
3 Glue sticks
Pencil crayons
Pencil Sharpener

Felt markers
2 Boxes of 16 wax crayons
Hailey S.
Hailey W.

Hailey W



Hailey S.






Hailey S.


School Supplies Update

I've updated the school supplies your child has (excluding Tori and Dyson who were absent).  There is a copy of the supplies needed in the report card and I have listed it here as well.

Please remember that your child has been coloring with crayons every day for 3 months and they get broken, lost and used up!  Also same applies to glue sticks, PENCILS!, and pencil sharpeners (even great ones don't lost and they also wear out).
We will be using pencil crayons and markers more in Term #2 and #3. 

School supplies make good stocking stuffers!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Unit #7 spelling words

Unit #7
1.  his
2.  dig (watch the reversal of 'd')
3.  pat
4.  sun
5.  put
6.  the
7.  that
8.  with

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lost Number lines - Tuesday homework assignment

I see that a few number lines were left at school!  You and your child can create a new one by cutting apart a 100 chart and gluing it back together in a long strip which is what we did.  I've attached a link to an appropriate 100 chart
100 chart to print

Homework Assignment in Math and Super Spelling!

The grade ones brought home a number strip to 100 in their agenda pouch.  We are beginning a new math unit called Number to 100.  This unit helps the students learn to count to 100 by 1's, 10's, 5's and 2's (in that order).

PLEASE KEEP THIS NUMBER STRIP IN A SAFE PLACE!  We will be using it up until Christmas for a number of homework assignments.

Today we played a math game using the number strip.  This game is also their homework assignmnent for this week.  Please play the game with your child at least 2X.  Please note in the agenda when you played the game.........!

How many to 100?  Game:

Object:  How many turns will it take to get to 100?  (reinforcing counting on)

Materials:  Number line, six-sided dice (or number cards 1-6, playing cards will work), a marker.

Guess:  how many rolls will it take to reach 100?  (It took us 23 today.)

You will need a button or something for a marker.  Place the marker off the number line in the place that 0 would normally be.

Your child rolls the dice or selects a number (face down numbers).  Have your child read the number.

Your child moves the marker that many 'skips' forward on the line.  The first move is easy as the marker will land on the number rolled.  Record the roll by using tally marks, writing down the number, etc.  (adults need to do this part)

Roll the dice again.  This time move AHEAD the number of 'skips' again.  Emphasize that you must 'skip' forward to count so they do not count the space they are already on.  So, if your child rolled a 3 with his or her first roll and then a 4, he or she will be on number 7.

Continue until you reach or pass 100.  How many rolls did it take?

Variation:  You and your child both have a marker.  Take turns rolling and see who reaches 100 first!

Unit #7  Spelling Words

Wow!  The Grade One's did a fabulous job in Spelling today!  100% was Dyson, Lexi, Keenan, Izzy, James, Hailey S, Aiden and Hailey W!  And all the others only got one wrong!  I am proud of them!!!!

Chicken Pox!
Giving you the heads up that one of our Hillmond families has chicken pox!  Grade Ones have most definitely been exposed so if your child seems tired, listless, headachy or feverish - check for spots!  Most often on tummy and back!

Have a good week!  Looking forward to seeing - and meeting- you at Parent/Teacher Interviews next Tuesday and Thursday.  Look for Report Cards on Friday with interview times included.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This and That!

Operation Christmas Child
First, thank you for all the parents and students for showing Caring and Generosity with donating to the Good Samaritian Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  We were able to fill 7 shoeboxes.  Thanks to the Shirtliffe, MacDonald and Graham families that donated a whole box! 
Mrs. Sandy Kern-Ali, our piano teacher, traveled to Costa Rica last summer with her daughter Rachel to deliver Shoe boxes.  Shee came to talk to our class and showed us many photos of the children and their homes.  It was great to hear her tell us how much the children treasure and appreciate receiving the boxes.

In each box, we have included a letter from our class and some photos of us playing in the snow!  Won't the students be surprised to see how we play in Canada!

Spelling Unit #6
1.  pup
2.  bus
3.  but
4. tub
5.  I
6.  look
7.  like

You will notice that there are more words.  Each week the words will become a bit harder.  Also, I add 2 bonus words that are sight words they need to know.  This week the bonus words are:  look, like.  Spelling hint:  look  has two 'eyes' in the middle because you look with your eyes!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spelling Words Unit 5

Words this week for spelling test, Tuesday, November 13.
1.  up
2.  us
3.  run
4.  fun
5.  to
6.  said

Reminder to have your child print out the words so there are no reversed and capital letters! Thanks!

November 7 Update

It's been a really busy time with Halloween, Remembrance Day and testing for Term #1  Report cards.  I have tested all the students in reading.  If your child is still reading at the same level it means I 'benchmarked' them and they are still at  a Frustration level on Level 3.  This will improve as their sight word vocabulary improves and their phonic skills improve.

Remembrance Day
The grade one's have been discussing Remembrance Day so ask them what they know!  Keenan was the only student who could tell us about the soldiers fighting for us!  Way to go, Keenan!  Remembrance Day is dear to my heart as my dad was a W.W. II veteran.  He passed on 4 years ago so it's a day my family all stops to remember Dad and Grandpa.  I will miss the Remembrance Day ceremony this year but will definitely still remember.

Parent-Teacher Interview Sheets
Scheduling sheets will go home early next week.  Please look for them.

Have a great November Break!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Operation Christmas Child and Spelling Words

Operation Christmas Child

Dear Parents:

Once again I would like the grade one class to participate in the Operation Christmas Child program for our classroom.    I have copied the information brochure for you and this is the link to Samaritan’s Purse. www.samaritanspurse.ca/Operation-Christmas-Child/default.aspx
Here is a link to a video that I showed the students.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwPosn0ARbce.
Also, here is the link to the video on packing a shoebox as it gives good information for the kinds of items to go into the box.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0gvnfRoKE0

I would like the students to all participate if possible.

Your child does not need to fill a shoebox.  I am just asking that the students purchase a small toy or crayons or toothbrush, etc to put in a class box. 

However, if your family would like to send a shoebox I will make sure it is delivered.  The cost for shipping boxes is $7.00 so please send the shipping cost as well if you wish to send a whole box.  Please do not seal box as I need to check the containers.  I will seal it securely before I send it.

This is an opportunity for the students to show caring and compassion to other children less fortunate than themselves.  Many children in needy countries are living in poverty due to war in their country.  We have discussed this at school as part of our Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day units.

These items should not be expensive.  Take your child to the Dollar store if you get a chance and let them shop for $1.00-$2.00.  You do not need to purchase more than 1 or 2 items.  If your child is a boy, please purchase a toy for a boy.  Likewise, if your child is a girl, please purchase items for a girl.  I will cover the $7.00 cost per box.  Please read the information for items (not perishable items or war-related items.)  Please return all items before November 14 so we can meet the deadline for delivery.

While at the hairdresser last year, I overheard a woman talking about Operation Christmas Child.  She had spent time as a missionary and had seen firsthand the impact of the shoeboxes.  She told me that the children play with the articles and then put them back in the box and put them in a special place until they have time (which isn’t often) to play with them again.  She said that the items are treated with great reverence.  The family she knew only allowed the children to color one page a month!  Also, if the items are sent in a plastic shoe box, the family can then use the box to store food items that otherwise become infested with insects or mice!  Yuck!  I will try to send the items in a cardboard box with a plastic container inside.  It was really interesting to talk to someone who has actually seen where the boxes go.  She said it is a day of great excitement and celebration.

This year we are very fortunate to have Mrs. Sandy Kern-Ali at our school.  Mrs. Kern-Ali and her daughter Rachel went on a mission this summer and delivered shoeboxes.  I will ask her to talk to our class about her experiences.

Thank you for your assistance and generosity.

Mrs. Burzynski


SpellingWe are studying spelling unit #4 this week with the test on Monday, November 5.  The words:  as, had, sit, six, ran, bit.  Again, I mark words wrong if they are spelled with a capital or have reversed letters. 

Dressing for the weather:  Students are expected to go outside at recesses.  Please, it is your responsibility as a parent to make sure they come to school with ski-pants, mitts, a scarf (very important!) and a hat.  My responsibility is to make sure they wear them and they can't wear what they don't have.  Thanks!