Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Important Question!

Sorry, our file server wasn't allowing access to our webpage yesterday.  However, some of the students did remember the 'important" question.

Social Studies
The important question is "What country did your ancestors come from?"
This year we will be studying about First Nations people.  We will be discussing the settling of Canada by Europeans, how the First Nations and European settlers helped each other and some of the beliefs and culture of the First Nations people.

Spelling words are written in the agenda.  Spelling test will be first thing Monday morning.

We traditionally have a Halloween party in the afternoon but students can dress up for the day.  Please do not send make-up for me to apply!  I am not able to do that, sorry!  The SRC might also be having a Sock-up for an hour in the afternoon.  I'll send details later.

Have a good weekend!
Ellen B.

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