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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reminder for Operation Christmas Child, Winter clothing, report card testing, etc

1.  Operation Christmas Child is finishing tomorrow.  Please send an items by tomorrow please.  If you are packing a complete box remember to add $7 for shipping or you can donate directly online to Samaritian's Purse.  Please let me know if you donated online.  Thank you very much for your generosity!

2.  Winter clothing - sadly, after an amazing fall, it is getting colder.  The students have been actually very well dressed.  Please check to make sure that they have a coat they can zip up themselves.  Dig out the mitts, toques and boots!  They are very eager for it to snow!!!!!

3.  Report Cards - I have been evaluating the students for report cards this week and into next week for those who have been absent.  I gave the Sight Word tests today.  Some of you will notice that I tested your child on the next level of words even though he/she didn't study them.  This was for the report cards.

4.  Spelling test on Monday!  The words for Unit #2 are on a previous blog.

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