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Thursday, February 9, 2012

100th Day!

Actually, all week's been 100th Day!  The Grade One's had a great day counting their 100 Collections, making a 100 day snack, and completing 100 math activities.  We will continue to finish 100 Day math centers tomorrow.  Thanks very much for sending the 100 day collections!

Valentine's Day
This year the Grad 3-6's are skiing on Valentine's day and some Grade One students will be joining them with their parents.  We are going to have RED Day.  You can send Valentines as usual on Tuesday.  If your child isn't going to be here Valentine's Day, and you haven't already told me, please let me know.

We will make a Valentine's day snack in class and I will provide punch as well.  If you want to send a class treat you certainly can.

For RED day, the students should:
1.  wear something red of course!
2.  try to bring a red snack (strawberries, licorice, use your imagination!).  We will graph the red snacks.
3.  bring their Valentines!  We will hand them out in the morning.

I have Math centers that are all based on using candy conversation hearts so we will be completing this in the afternoon. 
Phys.  Ed will also be focused on Valentines/Red activities.

Finally, tomorrow is sight word testing but I will be testing the students on the first 100th sight words.  I will be using this information to look for progress before the next reporting period in March when I will retest them again.
Sorry, I've been forgetting to blog but I'll try to do better!

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