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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 20-23

Well, I hope you are shovelled out from the snow!  The children are loving it!

A reminder that Parent/Teacher forms went out on Thursday last week. Parent/Teacher times are Wednesday March 28  3:30-5:50 - 6:30-8:00:  Thursday, March 29  3:30-5:50. 
 If you have not returned a form, please make sure to contact the school today or me at home tonight 825-3371.  We will be scheduling tomorrow morning at 8:10. Thanks!

Report cards go out on Friday and the interview time will be included in the report card.

A few report card expectations for this time in Grade one:

Reading - Level 10 at the minimum

Writing - a complete sentence with proper punctuation, standard spelling for common words and good attempted spelling for other words.  You and your child should be able to easily read what he or she has written.

Math - counting easily to 100 by 1's, 10's, 5's and a good start on counting by 2's.  Easily tell you 2 or more strategies for adding numbers.  Should understand how to solve subtraction problems without prompting.  Easily create or extend patterns that have repetitive attributes (AABAC, AABAC) etc.  Understand the concept of place value (tens and ones).  Able to count one from a number between 0-99 without any prompting.

Spelling - an average of 80% or above

Sight Words - Level 2A is the standard your child should be working on or above.

Phonics - easily be able to sound out words with silent e rule, consonants blends, ing, double vowel combinations.  Should be able to print dictated words with 4 or more letters, silent e rule, ing and consonant blends.

Comprehension - easily read a passage of 5 or more sentences (level 8-10),  retell the information or story and be able to provide details from the passage.

If you have any questions about the report card, make sure to write them down and we will address them at the Parent/Teacher interview.  Hopefully, this information will help you determine where your child is performing in Grade One compared to the Saskatchewan Curriculum average for Grade One.

Finally, Spelling words this week:  Unit #20
1.  late
2.  gave
3.  cone
4.  line
5. snake
6.  feet
7.  jeep
8.  use
9.  doesn't

Congratulations to Levi, Ainsley, Logan, Blake, Burke, and Kali who scored 100% on Unit #19.  Close behind with nine correct:  Brooklyn and Morgan.  Well done!

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