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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Social Studies Project

I guess I will have to update each section one at a time!

Social Studies – My Family Collage/PowerPoint

Dear Grade One Parents:

We are studying about very important people in our lives – Our Family!
The My Family unit gives the students opportunities to learn how families are alike, how families are different and how families change.  I will be making a family collage or power point myself to show to the students also.

Collage - Each student needs to make a collage or about his or her family.  I have sent the students home with a piece of paper.

Power point – for you techno parents!  It may be easier to put together a Powerpoint or DVD to show us!  Please make sure to work with your child if you choose to do this.  Discuss the pictures that are selected and what you could say about each photo.

This collage/power point could show some of the following things:

-who the people are in your family
-who lives in your house and who might live somewhere else
-where do you live?  Farm, acreage, village, etc
-activities your family enjoys together
-family traditions
-favorite foods, TV shows, games, etc
-your house, your pets
-vacation photos!

If you do not have photos, you and your child can draw pictures or use magazine pictures to represent the people in your family.

Please write your family name on the collage and label the people in the picture.  You can also write a caption about the events if you wish.  I have a attached an example of what your collage might look like.  I would like these to start coming back to school after the Easter Break and no later than the end of April please!

Thanks!      Mrs. Burzynski

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