The words are:
Cumulative Spelling List
This is a list of 100 words that we have learned to spell this year. They are all from the last 10 units in spelling. Please practice these words with your child.
We will be having 2 cumulative spelling tests during the last 2 weeks of June. Each test will be 25 words.
These tests will be 20% of your child’s final spelling mark. The term spelling list marks will be the other 75%.
The first test will be on Monday, June 11 and the second on Monday, June 18.
The tests will be any of the following 100 words.
1. paw
2. saw
3. law
4. lawn
5. fawn
6. then
7. this
8. what
9. funny
10. bunny
11. puppy
12. penny
13. happy
14. kitten
15. mitten
16. little
17. car
18. far
19. jar
20. star
21. start
22. farm
23. harm
24. are
25. cow
26. now
27. down
28. where
29. brown
30. show
31. row
32. low
33. all
34. wall
35. call
36. will
37. tell
38. well
39. small
40. smell
41. day
42. may
43. stay
44. away
45. boat
46. coat
47. toad
48. fast
49. last
50. nest
51. must
52. most
53. step
54. stamp
55. still
56. went
57. sent
58. ant
59. bend
60. find
61. mind
62. kind
63. want
64. ropes
65. bones
66. kites
67. bees
68. cakes
69. were
70. foxes
71. roses
72. late
73. gave
74. cone
75. line
76. snake
77. feet
78. jeep
79. use
80. go
81. so
82. no
83. home
84. note
85. robe
86. do
87. you
88. see
89. need
90. name
91. fine
92. tree
93. name
94. mine
95. gate
96. five
97. nine
98. like
99. come
100. make
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