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Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Update

Hope everyone had a chance to get outside over the weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall weather while it lasts!

As promised, I sent home the Apple words!  These are really the first 10 Fry Sight words.  We have been working on these words at school in our 'tubs' and on the Word Wall.  I will test all the students on Friday to see how they are progressing on the words.


Please practice the following 10 words for this week.  The words are:  a, it, is, of, the, and, in, to, you, that. 

On Friday I will test your child on the above words.  If he or she passes 8/10 words or more, I will then attach another sheet of words to their test sheet.  You can then substitute those ‘apple words’ to the 10 words already given.  Please do not practice more than 10 words at a time.  This is too overwhelming for them at the beginning of the year. 

If your child does not know 8/10 words I will ask you to practice the same ten words again for another week.  We will continue in this pattern for the rest of the year.  Some children will learn the words very quickly and others will not.  This is absolutely fine because they will be learning at their own rate.  I will keep you aware of their progress and let you know if I have any concerns.

When your child has completed all 25 ‘apple’ words (Level 1A) we will go on to Level 1B ‘sun’ words. 

At school we also practice these words initially but after a while the children will only receive practice at home so it is very important that they begin practicing each night for 5-10 minutes.  A good sight word vocabulary is essential for them to become fluent readers.

Please check your child’s agenda for his or her sight word testing mark.  I try to assess this each Friday. You will also notice that I test on the color words that we practice in class.  These aren’t sent home in the apple words.  I will not send these words home to practice as I want to know how well the children are attending to the words we are using in our writing each day.

Please call me if you have any questions!  Remember to keep practice time short, daily and fun!  Some strategies are:
Swat! – use a fly swatter to swat the word (they love this!)
I spy – I spy a word that starts with “r” (sound).  They should be able to find it and tell you it.
Memory – turn over the word that the parent says.  Count how many turns it takes and beat your record or play against the parent.
Put the words on the frig or a door so they are easily seen.
Count the letters in the words and order them from most letters to least.
Practice printing the letters on a chalkboard, wipeboard, paper etc.

Mrs. Burzynski

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