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Monday, December 17, 2012

Some thoughts....

If you get a chance, watch President Obama's address to the community of Newtown, Conn.  A very heart felt commentary from a dad first and a president second.

I reminded me again of how important our Virtues Project is at Hillmond School.  Our responsibility as educators and parents (who are the most important educators!) is to instill in our children a sense of empathy and a positive self-esteem.  We cannot protect our children from all the injusts in the world but we can try to give them a childhood that will prepare them for the world and give them the caring attitude for them to feel compassion towards others.

As we rush around this holiday season, let's all take the time to say a Thank You to hard working clerks, a quick smile to a harassed looking shopper and a kind word to everyone.  A little thoughtfulness goes a long way.  That little act of kindness may make a huge difference in someone's life.

So, congratulate yourself on the wonderful children that you have!  You've been doing a great job teaching them the Virtues at home and we will continue at school as well.

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