Sooo, it was brought to my attention that an inappropriate ad was attached to my blog! Please, immediately let me know if this happens! Thanks, Tammy! Our school file server blocks such things but your home server might not. The blogs are through and if this happens again I will change my address and supplier. Hopefully, we've corrected the problem but infortunately, we can't also control what happens on the internet.
My apologies!!!!
Welcome to Mrs. B.'s Blog!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday Update
What an imagination James Barrie had! Books take us to far away lands and wonderful adventures! I am always so excited for Family Literacy Night as it reminds us all to READ!
We had our spelling test this morning but I've been so busy it's not marked yet! Tomorrow! I will post the Unit 15 words as well.
Hope to see most of you at Family Literacy Night if you can make it! If you haven't returned your form, please make sure to return it tomorrow OR indicate in the agenda who is coming. There is a $10.00 family fee for pizza and cupcakes!
Reminder: Bring 100 items by February 4 (next Monday). I have one - congratulations to Austin for being the first to bring his in!
Remember to check if your child has mittens, etc. Some have been arriving without warm winter wear. When it's really cold, the students stay inside but they still have the ride to and from school. Thanks!
Hope to see you Wednesday night!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday Update - 100th Day and Family Project
I agree but......I wouldn't say no to a tropical holiday right about now! Lucky you, if you are escaping to a sunny place for a while!
This week's spelling test was fabulous! 12/13 got 100% with only one person getting 9/10! Splendid work everyone!
Unit #14 words
1. she
2. ship
3. shell
4. dish
5. wish
6. shut
7. sheep
8. shoe
9. fish
10. wash
100th Day - see note glued in Agenda.
We will spend the week prior to 100th day on many different activities. Please make sure to have the 100 items to school by February 4. If you have any questions, please let me know. Items need to all be the same and need to be small enough to put 10 in one part of an egg carton.
Social Studies – My Family Collage/PowerPoint
Dear Grade One Parents:
We are studying about very important people in our lives – Our Family!
The My Family unit gives the students opportunities to learn how families are alike, how families are different and how families change. I will be making a family collage or power point myself to show to the students also.
I’d like to keep this simple for parents so please choose ONE of the following:
Collage - a collage or about your family. I have sent the students home with a piece of paper.
Power point – for you techno parents! It may be easier to put together a Powerpoint or DVD to show us! Please make sure to work with your child if you choose to do this. Discuss the pictures that are selected and what you could say about each photo or add captions to the photos.
Family Album – if you are a scrapbooker or just up on your organization of photos, send a photo album you already have made! Just make sure it has captions or journaling that describes the people in the photos.
ALL projects should show most of the following things:
-who the people are in your family? (immediate, step-parents, step-siblings, grandparents, aunts/uncles if you wish)
-who lives in your house and who might live somewhere else?
-where do you live? Farm, acreage, village, etc
-activities your family enjoys together
-family traditions
-favorite foods, TV shows, games, etc
-your house, your pets
-vacation photos!
Please write your family name on the collage and label the people in the picture. You can also write a caption about the events if you wish. I have a attached an example of what your collage might look like. I would like these to start coming back to school after the February Break and no later than the end of February please!
Thanks! Mrs. Burzynski
Friday, January 18, 2013
Have a good weekend!
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
......Albert Camus
......Albert Camus
We Canadian are a tough bunch! I think it's our long winters that teach us perseverance!
Reminders: Skating at 12:42: Spelling Test Unit #13 Words in agenda and on blog
I will send home the information on our Family Projects and 100th Day of school on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
My old grandmother always used to say, "Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.”
..... George R.R. Martin ... A Song of Ice and Fire
..... George R.R. Martin ... A Song of Ice and Fire
Treasure your winter friends but appreciate your summer ones as well - they add to the fabric of our experience.
Family Literacy Night - take the time to print off the Family Literacy Challenge questions for this week from the Monday Memo. Every entry is eligible for a draw for a prize at Family Literacy night. I only have 1 entry from this week!
Sight Word test - remember that I try to test on Sight Words every Friday!
Skating - Period #5 1:27 on Thursday.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
First Day of Skating!!
“If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”..... Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh in Tales from the 100 Acre Wood. | |
I really enjoyed it when we started our day as a staff with the Quote of the Day so I decided to bring back the tradition in my blog.
This is my very favorite quote! Sob, it gets me every time! I guess it's because I am a mom, wife, teacher and I love children's literature as well. I love the way it gives all of us - children and adults - the message of believing in yourself and knowing that you are loved!
I hope the quotes speak to you in some way as well. Email me some of your favorites as well!
So, a great big Thank You to the parents who came to tie skates. Wow, it went incredibly easily for the first day!
Next day is Thursday at 1:27.
Spelling words this week:
Unit #13
1. hill
2. bell
3. fell
4. ball
5. fall
6. all
7. call
8. fill
9. ill
10. yellow
We are working on addition to 9 and you will see some worksheets for addition to 5 and 6 come home.
Look for information about 100 Day and Family Collage this week! I promise it won't take too much time!
Have a great week!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday Update
. I'd really like to commend 'my' parents again on the conscious effort you are making to practice spelling words and do Home Reading. Are you as excited about the progress the students are making as I am? You should be! Your hard work and consistent efforts make a tremendous difference! Thank you!!!!
Just a few notes on what we have been learning and level expectations
1. Phonics - we have just began a new unit on long vowels. This will help the students sound out more difficult words.
2. Reading - we begin RTI on Monday school wide. This will give me an opportunity to work with students on reading and writing conventions. Some students still are struggling with writing conventions like sentences beginning with a capital and ending with a period. More advanced students will be working on reading comprehension activities.
It is the expectation at this time of year that students be reading between a level 7-9. Almost all the students are at this level so keep up the Home Reading!
3. Writing - we are writing factual information about Winter. The students are being guided through the process but are writing sentences of their own. I'm beginning to see some great word usage and more complex sentence structures. There has been a big improvement in Journal writing as well. Expectations in sentence writing at this time include: capitals at the beginning of a sentence, capital for names, period at the end of a sentence, question marks, spaces between words and complete sentences (no sentence fragments).
4. Math - we are working on addition to 6 at this time and will continue with this until 9. The students are working in centers to make pictures of addition combinations. After the centers are complete, we are adding addition sentences to each picture.
Addition strategies we use and you can practice at home:
Simplest Level
Hand game - give your child an addition sentence (must be less than 5 for each addend). For example, 4+5. Your child holds up 4 fingers on one hand and 5 fingers on the other hand and counts all the fingers.
Harder Level
Counting on 2 + 4. Instruct your child to put 2 in their head. Have them hold up 4 fingers and they need to count on saying, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Hardest Level
Counting on with visualization: As above but your child visualizes their fingers, the number 4 etc and counts on without using an aid.
5. Social Studies - we are just beginning our unit on Families. I ask that students make a collage, a DVD, or share a family photoalbum etc about their families! I know this involves time and effort but the students love it! I will send a note home next week with the details. Don't worry, you will have a lot of time to get something together and I don't want you to stress over it. It's not for marks!!! Just a sharing time!
Have a great weekend! Be glad we don't live in Newfoundland lol! Stay warm!
Just a few notes on what we have been learning and level expectations
1. Phonics - we have just began a new unit on long vowels. This will help the students sound out more difficult words.
2. Reading - we begin RTI on Monday school wide. This will give me an opportunity to work with students on reading and writing conventions. Some students still are struggling with writing conventions like sentences beginning with a capital and ending with a period. More advanced students will be working on reading comprehension activities.
It is the expectation at this time of year that students be reading between a level 7-9. Almost all the students are at this level so keep up the Home Reading!
3. Writing - we are writing factual information about Winter. The students are being guided through the process but are writing sentences of their own. I'm beginning to see some great word usage and more complex sentence structures. There has been a big improvement in Journal writing as well. Expectations in sentence writing at this time include: capitals at the beginning of a sentence, capital for names, period at the end of a sentence, question marks, spaces between words and complete sentences (no sentence fragments).
4. Math - we are working on addition to 6 at this time and will continue with this until 9. The students are working in centers to make pictures of addition combinations. After the centers are complete, we are adding addition sentences to each picture.
Addition strategies we use and you can practice at home:
Simplest Level
Hand game - give your child an addition sentence (must be less than 5 for each addend). For example, 4+5. Your child holds up 4 fingers on one hand and 5 fingers on the other hand and counts all the fingers.
Harder Level
Counting on 2 + 4. Instruct your child to put 2 in their head. Have them hold up 4 fingers and they need to count on saying, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Hardest Level
Counting on with visualization: As above but your child visualizes their fingers, the number 4 etc and counts on without using an aid.
5. Social Studies - we are just beginning our unit on Families. I ask that students make a collage, a DVD, or share a family photoalbum etc about their families! I know this involves time and effort but the students love it! I will send a note home next week with the details. Don't worry, you will have a lot of time to get something together and I don't want you to stress over it. It's not for marks!!! Just a sharing time!
Have a great weekend! Be glad we don't live in Newfoundland lol! Stay warm!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Important Notes went home
Two important notes went home today!
Skating Note Information
Also, Family Literacy Night information - please check the Hillmond Newsletter for the information about the contest!
Spelling Test - Unit #11 - congratulations to the following students who achieved 100%!
Emmet, Lexi, Izzy, Tori, Jonathan, Adian and Hailey W.! James was close with 90%.
Skating Note Information
Tuesday, January 15 Period # 4 12:17-1:27 Day 3
Thursday, January17 Period # 5 1:17 – 2:07 Day 5
Monday, January 21, Period #4 12:27-1:07 Day 1
Wednesday, January 23 Period #4 12:17 – 1:17 Day 3
Friday, January 25 Period #5 1:17 – 2:07 Day 5
Kindergarten and Grade One will be skating on the above days if parent helpers are available to help tie skates. I will need to know if parents are available before we will commit to skating.
1. Equipment: Each child is expected to skate. Please make sure your child comes to school with skates and a skating/hockey/bike helmet. Borrowed skates and helmets are fine as long as the items fit. The school does have a few small skates so please indicate on the sheet if your child needs to borrow school skates. Let me know this ASAP as I will need to take your child during a recess to get fitted.
- Expectations for skating unit: The expectations are that each student will TRY to put on his or her own skates so practice this with them before hand. Parents are then available to tie the skates. Students will also be expected to try to take off their own skates. This is part of our physical education unit and I expect the students to try to as independent as possible.
- Skills: The students will be taught to get up off the ice after falling without any help. This is an important first skill. Some students MAY be allowed to use skating assists if necessary but will first be expected to try to skate without assists. We will only be free skating. No hockey sticks or equipment or pucks allowed. After the first day, we will divide the rink into 2 sections. One section will be for stronger skaters to play ball soccer and the other section for free skating.
- Parent Helpers: Parent help is necessary for us to skate as we must have help with tying skates. I will try to arrange some student helpers as well. You are most welcome to skate with us, It would be appropriate to wear a helmet as a good example to the students. If you plan on skating, please do not bring any preschoolers but you can bring preschoolers if you are just planning on helping to tie skates.
Thank you for your help. Please contact me by email ( or phone) if you have any questions. Mrs. Burzynski
Also, Family Literacy Night information - please check the Hillmond Newsletter for the information about the contest!
Spelling Test - Unit #11 - congratulations to the following students who achieved 100%!
Emmet, Lexi, Izzy, Tori, Jonathan, Adian and Hailey W.! James was close with 90%.
Friday, January 4, 2013
January 4 Happy New Year!
It was so great to see the students after the break! They were all very excited about their holiday! I think they grew!!!! And lots have lost teeth!!!
I hope you enjoyed your time with your child over the holidays!
Lots of info!
Well, the real 'meat and potatoes' of Grade One begins now! We have laid a great foundation with the students with some basic sight words and Home Reading. We will now be rapidly building on that foundation and you will really begin to see your child take off in reading and writing and math!
We will be learning many ELA concepts such as blends, long vowels, and writing longer and more complex sentences and stories. The focus in math will be on addition and subtraction, numbers to 100 and place value.
Attendance is very important. Some students are missing one day a week and this will begin to have a significant impact. We have been reviewing a lot of concepts but now many concepts are only taught 2-3 times so missing school means your child may be playing 'catch up' too often. One day a week is 20% of the school year!
How to help my child excel?
1. Continue to participate frequently ( 3-4 times a week) in Home Reading.
2. Practice Sight words. Many students will be able to learn 200 words before the end of June or even more!
3. Complete Homework assignments such as Spelling words, etc.
Most children are reading at Level 6-7 and that will quickly improve to levels 8-10 over the month of January and February. The goal is a minimum of Level 14 by the end of June.
Cumulative Spelling Test Units 1-10
I was pleased with the cumulative spelling test results. A few students have not been tested yet but the class average of 12 students was 89%. Thank you for taking the time to study! I know some of the students practiced very hard as their average was higher than the average of all the individual tests!
A copy of each student's test is in their agenda today.
Skating note - will go home on Monday with all the details and dates.
Family Literacy Night - mark Wednesday, January 30 on your calendar as the Grade one to Three classes are invited to stay after school for a Family oriented activty to celebrate reading! More will be sent home soon once the details are finalized.
Sight word testing
The following students passed on to the next Level of Sight words today! Everyone knows all the Apple Words!
Congratulations to Aiden, Hailey W., Keenan, Izzy, Lexi, Tori and Dyson!
Hot Meals are no longer being pre-ordered. A hot meal is sold out of the concession each day. A list will be on the Monday memo. You MUST write in the agenda if your child is going to go to the concession to purchase lunch or a treat. Please let me know also if they have cash or a concession card. Otherwise, I will not allow the students to go to the concession. Thank You! This prevents confusion as well as money 'mysteriously' appearing from home! Mr. Betker has also agreed to let the Grade one's come down to the concession 5 minutes earlier than the other students. Thanks, Mr. Betker!
Spelling Words for Unit #11 - test on January 7 - words are also written in agenda
1. ten
2. hat.
3. hot
4. sand
5. hand
6. pen
7. that
8. spot
9. land
10. when
Have a great weekend!
I hope you enjoyed your time with your child over the holidays!
Lots of info!
Well, the real 'meat and potatoes' of Grade One begins now! We have laid a great foundation with the students with some basic sight words and Home Reading. We will now be rapidly building on that foundation and you will really begin to see your child take off in reading and writing and math!
We will be learning many ELA concepts such as blends, long vowels, and writing longer and more complex sentences and stories. The focus in math will be on addition and subtraction, numbers to 100 and place value.
Attendance is very important. Some students are missing one day a week and this will begin to have a significant impact. We have been reviewing a lot of concepts but now many concepts are only taught 2-3 times so missing school means your child may be playing 'catch up' too often. One day a week is 20% of the school year!
How to help my child excel?
1. Continue to participate frequently ( 3-4 times a week) in Home Reading.
2. Practice Sight words. Many students will be able to learn 200 words before the end of June or even more!
3. Complete Homework assignments such as Spelling words, etc.
Most children are reading at Level 6-7 and that will quickly improve to levels 8-10 over the month of January and February. The goal is a minimum of Level 14 by the end of June.
Cumulative Spelling Test Units 1-10
I was pleased with the cumulative spelling test results. A few students have not been tested yet but the class average of 12 students was 89%. Thank you for taking the time to study! I know some of the students practiced very hard as their average was higher than the average of all the individual tests!
A copy of each student's test is in their agenda today.
Skating note - will go home on Monday with all the details and dates.
Family Literacy Night - mark Wednesday, January 30 on your calendar as the Grade one to Three classes are invited to stay after school for a Family oriented activty to celebrate reading! More will be sent home soon once the details are finalized.
Sight word testing
The following students passed on to the next Level of Sight words today! Everyone knows all the Apple Words!
Congratulations to Aiden, Hailey W., Keenan, Izzy, Lexi, Tori and Dyson!
Hot Meals are no longer being pre-ordered. A hot meal is sold out of the concession each day. A list will be on the Monday memo. You MUST write in the agenda if your child is going to go to the concession to purchase lunch or a treat. Please let me know also if they have cash or a concession card. Otherwise, I will not allow the students to go to the concession. Thank You! This prevents confusion as well as money 'mysteriously' appearing from home! Mr. Betker has also agreed to let the Grade one's come down to the concession 5 minutes earlier than the other students. Thanks, Mr. Betker!
Spelling Words for Unit #11 - test on January 7 - words are also written in agenda
1. ten
2. hat.
3. hot
4. sand
5. hand
6. pen
7. that
8. spot
9. land
10. when
Have a great weekend!
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