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Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Update

.  I'd really like to commend 'my' parents again on the conscious effort you are making to practice spelling words and do Home Reading.  Are you as excited about the progress the students are making as I am?  You should be!  Your hard work and consistent efforts make a tremendous difference!   Thank you!!!!

Just a few notes on what we have been learning and level expectations

1.  Phonics - we have just began a new unit on long vowels.  This will help the students sound out more difficult words.

2.  Reading - we begin RTI on Monday school wide.  This will give me an opportunity to work with students on reading and writing conventions.  Some students still are struggling with writing conventions like sentences beginning with a capital and ending with a period.  More advanced students will be working on reading comprehension activities.

It is the expectation at this time of year that students be reading between a level 7-9.  Almost all the students are at this level so keep up the Home Reading! 

3.  Writing - we are writing factual information about Winter.  The students are being guided through the process but are writing sentences of their own.  I'm beginning to see some great word usage and more complex sentence structures.  There has been a big improvement in Journal writing as well.  Expectations in sentence writing at this time include:  capitals at the beginning of a sentence,  capital for names, period at the end of a sentence, question marks, spaces between words and complete sentences (no sentence fragments).

4.  Math - we are working on addition to 6 at this time and will continue with this until 9.  The students are working in centers to make pictures of addition combinations.  After the centers are complete, we are adding addition sentences to each picture.

Addition strategies we use and you can practice at home:

Simplest Level
Hand game - give your child an addition sentence (must be less than 5 for each addend).  For example, 4+5.  Your child holds up 4 fingers on one hand and 5 fingers on the other hand and counts all the fingers.
Harder Level
Counting on 2 + 4.  Instruct your child to put 2 in their head.  Have them hold up 4 fingers and they need to count on saying, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Hardest Level
Counting on with visualization:  As above but your child visualizes their fingers, the number 4 etc and counts on without using an aid.

5.  Social Studies - we are just beginning our unit on Families.  I ask that students make a collage, a DVD, or share a family photoalbum etc about their families!  I know this involves time and effort but the students love it!  I will send a note home next week with the details.  Don't worry, you will have a lot of time to get something together and I don't want you to stress over it.  It's not for marks!!!   Just a sharing time!

Have a great weekend!  Be glad we don't live in Newfoundland lol!  Stay warm!

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