Operation Christmas Child
First, thank you for all the parents and students for showing Caring and Generosity with donating to the Good Samaritian Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We were able to fill 7 shoeboxes. Thanks to the Shirtliffe, MacDonald and Graham families that donated a whole box!
Mrs. Sandy Kern-Ali, our piano teacher, traveled to Costa Rica last summer with her daughter Rachel to deliver Shoe boxes. Shee came to talk to our class and showed us many photos of the children and their homes. It was great to hear her tell us how much the children treasure and appreciate receiving the boxes.
In each box, we have included a letter from our class and some photos of us playing in the snow! Won't the students be surprised to see how we play in Canada!
Spelling Unit #6
1. pup
2. bus
3. but
4. tub
5. I
6. look
7. like
You will notice that there are more words. Each week the words will become a bit harder. Also, I add 2 bonus words that are sight words they need to know. This week the bonus words are: look, like. Spelling hint: look has two 'eyes' in the middle because you look with your eyes!
Have a great week!
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